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Sat, Dec. 28 - 6:30 pm CST
Sat, Dec. 28 - 6:30 pm CST
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Iowa State Post Game

MATT CAMPBELL: Let me start with this from my end of things. First of all, I’ll again say this about Valero Alamo Bowl. Incredible experience for our kids this week, first-class organization, first-class event, beyond grateful to represent the Big 12 and be able to be a part of this event. You know, from my …

Washington State Post Game

Q: Peyton, just talk about the challenges that Montgomery presented and what you all were ultimately able to do defensively to gut out the win. PEYTON PELLUER: Yeah, I mean, he’s a big, physical back, and we knew we were going to have to tackle well all game if we were going to stop this …

Head Coach Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: Coach Campbell, could you start with an opening remark. MATT CAMPBELL: Yeah, first and foremost, I want to give a thank you to Derrick Fox and his great staff embracing not only, to be honest with you, our players but our players’ families, and certainly our fan base. It’s been a tremendous first-class …

Dec. 26, 2018 – Washington State Coordinator/Player Press Conference

  TRACY CLAEYS: Today we’ve got two great leaders for our football team this year in the seniors, Peyton Pelluer and Hunter Dale. STEVE SPURRIER JR.: We’ve got two outstanding players quarterback Gardner Minshew II and Jamire Calvin, who’s a sophomore. Q. Coach Claeys, talk about the game this weekend. TRACY CLAEYS: We’ve had a good …

Dec 26, 2018 – Iowa State Coordinator/Player Press Conference

JON HEACOCK: I think first and foremost, we’d be remiss not to thank the Alamo Bowl committee, the people here in this town, the city. It’s been an outstanding opportunity. Alamo Heights, our host for practice, everybody has just been truly first class and I know on behalf of all of our staff, very appreciative …

Matt Campbell Post Practice Availability 12-24

Q: How was your first practice of the Alamo City? Matt Campbell: Good day, and obviously great to be outside great weather for us. Q: Coach, how would you say your preparation has gone to this point? MC:  This is a football team that certainly loves football and, you know, I think one of the …

Washington State Team Arrival – Mike Leach Transcript

Transcript of Mike Leach availability – 12/23 Q: What’s it like to finally be here?  Leach: It’s great to be here. We had a good trip this morning and just great to be here in San Antonio. Great to be in the Alamo Bowl and looking forward to a good week and a good game. Q: …

Iowa State Team Arrival

Transcript of interview with head coach Matt Campbell:   Q: Bowl week is finally here – have you sensed how excited the Iowa State fan base is? Matt Campbell: We’re really fortunate to have one of the best fan bases in college athletics. So there’s been a great buzz around Ames, Iowa and the fan …

Dec. 6, 2018: Golf Classic Press Conference – Mike Leach/Matt Campbell/VAB reps

THE MODERATOR: Joining us today we have Valero Alamo Bowl president and CEO, Derrick Fox. We have our vice president of wholesale marketing and international commercial operations for Valero, Eric Fisher, Washington State head coach Mike Leach, and Iowa State head coach Matt Campbell, and this year’s chair, Michael Kiolbassa. Michael. MICHAEL KIOLBASSA: Thank you …

Dec. 2, 2018 – Team Announcement, Mike Leach & Matt Campbell

Q: Opening Statement Mike Leach: “I’ll tell you what, on behalf of Washington State, we’re honored to get the chance to go to the Alamo Bowl. I’ve been before and it’s a great bowl. It’s a place that a lot of the members of our team don’t get to get out to very much so …